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Ryan & Brennish Thomson

Updated Feb 24 2025

SAMW music camp

by Ryan Thomson

The camp took place in 1997 at a beautiful lake side location at Geneva Point Center in scenic New Hampshire. 


On the stage are the "SAMW Allstars," a country dance band made up of student musicians from the music week attendees. I'm wearing a dark shirt at the foot of the stage with a large white name tag on the front. I'm calling a large circle dance and a portion of the circle is visible showing dancers doing a “circle right.” I called the evening dances throughout the week and coached the enthusiastic student dance band in daily rehearsals. We had a great hardwood dance floor . Thanks to Cece Borjeson for sending me the photos!

Click on the image below to enlarge it.

Ryan Thomson calling the Friday night dance at the SAMW music camp in 1987 at Geneva Point, New Hampshire.

Ryan calling the Friday night dance

Click on the image below to enlarge it.

Ryan Thomson peforms in a trio with students from the SAMW Music camp in 1987 at Geneva Point, New Hampshire.

Ryan leading a student band on stage

I also taught the beginning guitar class throughout the week, and at the last night, my class gave a little concert to show off their hard work and progress during the week! Other fine instructors on staff included: Bob Franke, Robert Jones, Jody Stecher, Kate Brislin, David Surette, Linda Waterfall, Guy Davis, Feyda Epstein, Bennett Hammond, Lorraine Lee Hammond, and John Gotthardt. A strong point of SAMW camp is the opportunity for expert coaching in the craft of on-stage performance of folk music.

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