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Ryan & Brennish Thomson

Updated Feb 7, 2025

Newmarket Duets Reviews and Response

On his new CD, Ryan Thomson is joined by many fine musicians he has performed with over the years such as Dave Hallowell, David Surette, Don Wessels, Steve Brown, etc., in a series of duets...and wonderful they are! Right from the spirited opening tune "JR's jig" to the soft and sparkling "Give me Your Hand" featuring the lovely harp playing of Regina Delaney to the "3 tunes from Quebec" featuring the rhythmic percussion of master bonesman Steve Brown, this CD has variety.

There's a unique rendition of "New Hampshire Hornpipe/The long winding Road to Elkins"with Don Wessels on chromatic harmonica and Arkansas TravelerSoldier's Joy" which will get you dancing. Two favorite tunes on this CD include "Sean's Squeezebox Tune" - so different, yet lively and charming and "Funky Jig," a wild and fiery innovative tune which one must absolutely hear!

Yes, lots of variety including dance tunes such as jigs, polkas, reels and cajun tunes - contra dancers take note! And for just plain listening, buy this CD and pop it in. It will brighten up your day!.......Celtic Beat, August, 1999

From happy customers:

Dear Ryan,

Thank you so much for the Newmarket Duets CD! I was surprised how visually attractive it is - what a great house! And the tunes gave me a raging case of Happy Feet. I brought the CD to school... which didn't work out very well. I thought it would be good background music while I work. 

I sat at the computer but for most of the tunes I'd be concentrating on the music, imagining playing along instead of finishing a database of current music majors. Then when Kitchen Gal started - who can sit still??? - I had to jump up and clog around the office (checked first to make sure my boss wasn't in his office next to mine). Great tunes - so far, I think Sean's Squeeze Box Tune is my favorite. Thanks again!


Nice CD, Ryan. Thanks. I've just listened to "Give me Your Hand" about 10 times -- great traditional tune.

B. W.

Champaign, Illinois

Hi -- Received the CD (Newmarket Duets) yesterday and am enjoying it very much! Will check into others later.


Klamath Falls, Oregon

Hi Ryan,

I received the CD and Book today in the mail. I am pleased with both items. I sat right down and started reading the book and it is a 'good read'. ... I just got through listening to the Newmarket Duets CD and I like it. I especially liked the "3 tunes from Quebec" since they were new to me. I will listen more thoroughly to the tunes as the time goes by.

Thanks again


New London, MN

Nice CD, Ryan. 

Thanks. I've just listened to "Give me Your Hand" about 10 times -- great traditional tune. (Newmarket Duets) I'll have to think about some of your instructional materials, too. I'm thinking about replacing my (first) student violin with something that has more "character," better sound (no great hurry yet). You're the first one

I've seen who actually lists a "Buyer's Guide"!

B. W.

Champaign, Illinois

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