Updated Feb 7, 2025
CD - Clark Kessinger "World Champion Fiddler" - recorded live at Union Grove, North Carolina. Tunes include: Trombone Rag, Dill Pickle Rag, Rose of my Heart, Roundtown Girls, Whistling Rufus, Sally Goodin, Durangs Hornpipe, Arkansas Traveler, Old Joe Clark, Down Yonder, Turkey in the Straw, Golden Slippers, Billy in the Lowland, Poca River Blues. New sealed CD $12.95
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Please email me before sending money for the following items in order to make sure that I still have them in stock.
A West Virginian's View of Musical Life Yesterday and Today, By Randolph Spencer, Ph.d., see picture, 177 pages, hardbound, chapters include: A Philosophy of Music, A Short History of Music in America and West Virginia, Black Musicians, Big Band music, Teaching Instrumental Music in School, Musical Activities in Grant, Morgan, Jefferson, and Berkeley Counties in West Virginia, published in 1982. $10.95
Musical Score of the Grammer of the Art of Dancing by Friedrich Albert Zorn, a reproduction of the 1905 edition from Boston, 5" by 8 1/2", 37 pages, with 124 different musical excerpts of music for practically every known type of dancing of the era including both folk and classical. $12.95
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