Updated Feb 24 2025
Video DVD Description:
This course is designed for learners with basic playing skills such as being able to play some scales or simple tunes on a left handed violin with reversed strings. No music reading is required. The video teaches one tune each of 5 different Irish tune styles: jig, slide, hornpipe, reel, and polka.
Fingerings and bowings are illustrated in detail. Tunes are demonstrated both slowed down and up to dance speed. Alternate bowings, ornaments, and variations are demonstrated for each tune. DVD one hour, ISBN 978-0-931877-43-8
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- This Irish Fiddle video is also available in a right handed version. Click here for information.
- For beginning left handed fiddlers I recommend the "teach yourself" book and video DVD: Left Handed Fiddling for Beginners. Click here for more information.
- Have questions about the topic of playing violin left handed? I recommend this reference and source book - Playing Violin and Fiddle left Handed. Click here for more information.