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Ryan & Brennish Thomson

Updated Feb 24 2025

Brian Richardson - guitar

Bill Zecker - bass, filling in for jeff Lind

Captain Fiddle, Ryan Thomson - electric violin

Written by Ryan Thomson, 1998

Honk if you like our music!

Audience applauds Crawdad Wranglers 

using car horns

by Ryan Thomson

June 7, 1998 - Southbridge Concert, (video clip) at the town common in Southbridge, Massachusetts. The Crawdad Wranglers performed a cajun and zydeco concert under cover of a large gazebo on several acres of green lawn. We were discouraged at first because of the rain, but the common was situated in such a way that automobiles were able to park and line both sides of the common to face the stage. 


A few brave souls were in front of the stage dancing in the rain, but a count of approximately 250 people in their cars were also actively enjoying the performance. We discovered this immediately after our first song when there was a clamoring of car horns and flashing headlights! It was a different type of audience applause than we were used to, and quite fun.

Dancers in the rain at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge, Massachussetts
Paul Mangion sings and plays rub board at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge Massachussetts
Brian Richardson Band leader Ryan Thomson sings and plays guitar at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge Massachussetts
Bill Zecker plays bass at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge Massachussetts
Band leader Ryan Thomson plays electric violin at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge Massachussetts

Dancers in the rain in front of the stage

Band leader Ryan Thomson sings and plays accordion at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge Massachussetts

Paul Mangion - rub board

Steve Brown plays drums at a Crawdad Wranglers concert in Southbridge Massachussetts

Ryan Thomson - accordion

Steve Brown - drums

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