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Ryan & Brennish Thomson

Updated Feb 7, 2025

Captain Fiddle's Tune Book 2, $12.95

Review from Fiddler Magazine:

"These tune books from Ryan Thomson provide a great collection of jigs, reels, waltzes, and hornpipes that are easy enough for the novice, but catchy enough for the jaded. Nice notes on the tunes (and occasionally lyrics) are provided. The fiddle tune book/cassette(now CDs) sets are recommended for the beginners out there, and the books by themselves are highly recommended to everyone.” $12.95

Front cover of Captain Fiddle's Tune Book 2

This book contains traditional dance tunes and variations with chords; hornpipes; reels; hoedowns; jigs; and waltzes, with a story about each tune. The music is suitable for all folk instruments, - ISBN 978-0-931877-24-7, approx 45 pages, 5.5" by 8.5", comb bound, illustrated.

Secure online payment, free shipping within the USA. Click here for instructions to mail payment or figure foreign shipping costs.

The tunes in Captain Fiddle's Tune Book 2 correspond with "Teach Yourself" fiddle learning CDs 4 and 5 .  The CDs are presently out of stock.

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